Tiny Jewels

A friend once said my drawings are "jewel-like treasures" when she saw one hanging with four other art works that were full color paintings. She said it stood out in it's black and white richness from all the color. That made me think about creating some "tiny jewels"--2 1/2" square drawings. I've loved drawing a variety of subjects (I always like the challenge of drawing something I haven't drawn before); and look forward to creating more such as the crab I'm working on now. I also thought these small, less expensive drawings would be a good way to help people interested in collecting original art to get started. These are the first 11 that I've drawn.


  1. Hi Melissa,
    I Melissa, I have noted some of your pen and ink drawings or architecture. Are all your drawings done on site or are any done from prints or photographs. I would appreciate a response via e-mail, my address is bolttom25@gmail.com.
    I am 74 and have just re-introduced myself to the skills of pencil and pen and ink. I have been criticised for working from old drawings and/or photographs, calling me a copyist rather than being an artist. I graduated from an accredited University where I enrolled in the Art Curriculum in 1969 graduating with my B.A. In Art with a double major to include Biology. My art training was a disappointment as the only thing I was taught was to experess myself. There were no instructions involving the skills in drawing, anatomy, composition or anything, so you might say I am starting from square one.
    Anything you are willing to share I would greatly appreciate

  2. Thank you! And you're welcome.
